Branford Bike - Started in June, 1976 Branford Bike
129 Sagittarius Skyway, PO Box 1711, Emigrant, MT 59027 USA
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Bicycle Trainer and Roller Section: Page15

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FAQ's regarding Trainers and Rollers

Q: Why should I consider using a trainer or rollers?
A: Regular use of either will help keep you fit during the winter and better prepare you for spring. They are also good for keeping the extra pounds off year round. Rollers and trainers are often used for race warm up and cool downs also.

Q: Some of my friends ride rollers. Others use stationary, rear wheel trainers. Which is better?
A: Rollers are more challanging and fun to ride. They help develop your sense of balance and will improve your spin. Trainers require much less balance but will give you just as much of a calorie burning workout.

Q: What is the difference between the different types of trainers; fan, magnetic and fluid?
A: Big question! Fan type trainers provide you with exponential resitance which is very similiar to what you get on the road with wind resistance. For example; to go from 10 to 20 miles per hour on the road requires not twice as much energy from your legs, but 4 times as much energy. That is why it is very difficult to go faster than 35 mph on a straight road and not drafting. The bigger the fan, the more resistance. Fan trainers are excellent for intervals and new riders who want occasional exercise. The resistance is smooth and increases gradually.
Magnetic trainers provide a much wider range of resistance. The best manual ones have 7 levels. Electronic models have up to 25 levels of resistance. Each resistance level is linear and upward sloping. The resistance increases in direct proportion to the power you apply to the pedals. The wider range of resistance makes it easier to train for a wider range of conditions; spinning, hill climbing, sprints, etc.
Fluid trainers give the most resistance of all. They actually have a fan encased in a silicone fluid. The resistance increases exponentially, just like the fan trainers. Thus a wide range of settings is not needed; you use your gears to change the rpms of your wheel and the resistance of the trainer. Fancier models do have up to 3 settings. The settings add fluid to or drain fluid from the chamber where the fan resides. We have not met anyone who could spin out in a 53/12 with the highest fluid trainer setting!

Q: What are the advantages of a computerized trainer?
A: Lots of fun and easy to use. They allow you to have opponents or race against your best time. Tacx will even allow you to program your own courses so you can train for a specific event. Minoura ICE gives you beautiful graphics and sound via your Pentium computer. Both are loads of fun and exciting to use. On the serious side, computerized trainers allow you to exactly quantify and store your riding information. Then it is much easier for you or your coach to chart your progress and develop an efficient program. Whatever your training goals are, it is much easier to reach them with a computerized trainer.

Q: Should I use a heart rate monitor when training?
A: Yes. Even if you just exercise occasionally, a heart rate monitor will allow you to train more safely and efficiently. You will benefit greatly even if you use a basic unit like the Sigma Sport or Polar Tempo.

Q: How can I determine my maximum heart rate?
A: You can define your maximum heart rate by

  1. having it measured in an exercise test
  2. using age-predicted maximum heart rate formulas.

1) Measured Max HR

The most accurate way of determining your individual maximum heart rate is to have it clinically tested (usually by treadmill stress testing) by a cardiologist or exercise physiologist. You can also measure it in field conditions supervised by an experienced coach. If you are over the age of 35, overweight, have been sedentary for several years, or have a history of heart disease in your family, clinical testing is recommended.

2) Predicted Maximum HR There is a mathematical formula that allows you to predict your Max HR with some accuracy. It is called the "age-adjusted formula". The age-adjusted Max HR formula can come in very handy when you're not prepared to pay for the physician-supervised stress test.

WOMEN: 226-your age = age-adjusted Max HR
MEN: 220-your age = age-adjusted Max HR

If you are a 30-year-old woman, your age-adjusted maximum heart rate is 226- 30 years = 196 bpm (beats per minute).

These formulas apply only to adults. The generally accepted error in age-predicted formulas is + - 10-15 beats per minute, which is due to different inherited characteristics and exercise training.

You should remember that there may be some discrepancy when using the age-adjusted formula, especially for people who have been fit for many years or older people. The formula will give you a ballpark estimate to work from, but if you want to exercise/train at your most effective levels, your Max HR should be measured.

Q: What if I have problems with my trainer or if it needs repair?
A: Most of the manufacturers offer warranties. All of the manufacturers we deal with are reputable and will stand behind their products. If your trainer is under warranty we will send it back to the factory or official repair center. Out of warranty items can usually be fixed or upgraded easily by our own repair staff. A charge will apply. We also carry a wide range of replacement parts for all of the rollers and trainers we sell. Call us if you have problems or questions.

Q: These FAQ's were helpful. I have a few questions that were not covered though. Can you help me?
A: Yes. Please Email or call us with any of your questions. If we do not know the answer we will point you in the direction of someone who does. We can also give you phone numbers for manufacturers or their US representitives.

Questions and answers are courtesy of our customers and staff.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

At Branford Bike we want you to be happy and satisfied with everything you purchase from us. We understand that sometimes you will need to return a product because it was not quite what you wanted. You may return anything you purchase from us within 60 days and unused, for an immediate exchange or refund.

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Branford Bike Online Catalog - Archival Edition
brought to you by the former owner of Branford Bike, Tim Brockett via his personal web site, TimsLife.Com
This is an archival edition of the Branford Bike web site from February 2006. Complete with product photos, prices, how to articles and technical specifications it is a treasure trove of accurate, detailed and historical information.

In July of 2006 Branford Bike was incinerated by a huge forest fire. No one was hurt but the inventory and buildings were completely destroyed. I witnessed the fire and stayed until the trees were burning in my driveway. At that point I hiked from Branford Bike, through the smoke and embers, down the mountain to my Jeep 3 miles away. I took photos and wrote about the harrowing experience so everyone could see what I saw. My insurance was generous and I later rebuilt my home and started another business selling books. Read the story here.

Branford Bike was a huge part of my life for over 30 years; June 1976 to July 2006. I enjoyed those years tremendously and Branford Bike was often a labor of love. I hope you enjoy browsing through the archival catalog. If your visit brings back pleasant memories please share them with me via e-mail at .

If you find any printed Branford Bike catalogs, advertisments or flyers please scan them as a PDF and email. Or you may mail them via US Post to Tim Brockett, PO Box 1711, Emigrant, MT 59027. Eventually I will post them in a Memorabilia catalog section.

Many Thanks and Best Wishes,
Tim Brockett
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For more information, call: (203) 488-0482
Our phone hours are: Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 12 noon - 3 pm Mountain Time

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