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What people
ask us about Tacx Rollers:
What is the maximum wheelbase for Tacx rollers?
The fan on my old Speedbraker roller has broken. Can I
dismount it myself and replace it with a new one?
Will my "expensive" tires wear away when I cycle on
the Tacx trainer?
What people
ask us about Tacx Computerized Trainers:
Does the Excel come with a heartrate transmitter and chest
Can I reconstruct my Cycletrack Speedmatic into a Basic or
Excel ergotrainer?
How accurate is the power of the Ergotrainer?
Does the Excel receive the heart rate from transmitters other
than Polar?
How tight should I press the tire against the trainers
aluminum roller?
Can the Excel send information to my personal computer?
Can SLOPE be compared with angle of inclination or grade
What do I use the T1353.10 for? It appears to be an extra
part for my Basic Trainer.
Can the ergotrainer remain plugged in when I am not training?
Can the ergotrainer be used in the USA(110 Volt) or UK (240
Can the Excel print when you are only halfway through the
Can the Excel alter the power when you program the heart
What is the smallest possible step on the ergotrainer in the
programmed time, distance or power?
Can I get high power on the ergotrainer with a low pedal
What is the difference between the earlier CycleForce Excel
and the new 1999 Cycletrack Excel?
Why do I have to insert information on my weight?
I read that the Basic and Excel is only available for
50Hz/220V. Can it also be used for 60 Hz as in the USA and
The resistance of my Basic/Excel remains the same even when I
am trying to change the power or Slope. Why?
The display of my Basic/Excel computer remains empty when I
plug it in. Why?
My Basic computer indicates a very high speed and the power
is not correct either.
I cannot print the information on my printer. Do you have an
The pedaling frequency(cadence) does not function on the
Basic/Excel. Why?
Answers to the
above questions.
1. What is the maximum wheelbase for Tacx
A. For the
Rollertrack it is 1 meter(40 inches) and for the Eco- and
Sporttrack 1,05 meters(43 inches).
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2. The fan on my old Speedbraker rollers has
broken. Can I dismount it myself and replace it with a new
A. No, replacement fans are no longer available from Tacx. You may wish to upgrade to the Magnetic resistance unit with a seven position handlebar control. It will give you a better workout also.
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3. Will my "expensive" tires wear
away when I cycle on the Tacx trainer?
A. When the
pressure in the tires is high enough and the aluminum trainer
roller is pressed correctly against the tire, the tires do
not wear away more than they would on the road.
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What people
ask us about Tacx Computerized Trainers:
4. Does the Excel come with a heartrate
A. No. A Polar
non-coded heartrate transmitter and strap must be bought
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5. Can I reconstruct my Cycletrack Speedmatic
into a Basic or Excel ergotrainer?
A. It is
possible but we would advise against it. The price you pay
for all the parts you need is higher than the price for a new
Basic or Excel trainer. Only the Basic can be reconstructed
into an Excel trainer.
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6. How accurate is the power of the
A. Tacx
ergotrainers are most accurate between 100 and 400 watts. The
accuracy depends on several factors such as tire pressure,
wear of the chain, temperature and how tight the trainers
aluminum roller is pressed against the tire.
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7. Does the Excel receive heart rate
information from transmitters other than Polar?
A. Yes,
non-coded heartrate transmitters such as Vetta, Cat Eye and
CardioSport can also be used. However the range is often less
than 80 cm. We recommend Polar non-coded heartrate
transmitters because they have a greater range and are very
reliable because of their sealed battery compartment.
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8. How tight should I press the tire against
the trainers aluminum roller?
A. Tightly:
the tire should not slip. This can be checked by holding the
flywheel with one hand and trying to turn the wheel with the
other hand. Pay attention that the tire is up to pressure
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9. Can the Excel send information to my
personal computer?
A. No, the
Excel can only send information to a DOS based printer.
However, the reports are exceptionally detailed and excellent
for gauging your progress. You can manually enter selected
information into a heart rate training computer program or a
training diary. We suggest using a heart monitor if you want to download information into your
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10. Can, what you call SLOPE, be compared
with angle of inclination or grade percentages?
A. No, the
number of the SLOPE is just a value for the brake position.
It is related to the resistance setting.
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11. What can I use the T1353.10 for? It
appears to be an extra part that came with my Basic/Excel
A. This piece
is used only for the T1450 Cycletrack and the T1420
CycleForce One trainer. All of the Tacx trainers share the
same mounting kit.
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12. Can the ergotrainer remain plugged in
when I am not training?
A. Yes. But to
avoid voltage spikes we suggest using a surge protector, just
like you would for a computer.
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13. Can the ergotrainer be used in the
USA(110 Volts) or the UK (240 Volts)?
A. The
ergotrainer works on 110 volts for US and Canada. Another
model works on 220 and 240 Volts for Europe and the UK. You
may also use a good voltage converter just like you would for
a computer.
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14. Can the Excel print when you are only
halfway through the program?
A. No, only
when the program has been fully finished and you have saved
the information will you be able to print it.
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15. Can the Excel alter the power when you
program the heart beat?
A. No, the
Excel uses angle of inclination and preprogrammed power in
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16. What is the smallest possible step on the
ergotrainer in the programmed time, distance or power?
A. The
smallest step in time is 10 seconds, in distance 100
meters(325 feet) and in power 10 watts.
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17. Can I get high power on the ergotrainer
with a low cadence?
A. With the
pedal cadence lower than 50 revolutions per minute it is very
difficult to brake the power of more than 500 watts. Higher
RPMs are better for higher power settings. You can go up to
999 watts. That is more than any other trainer we carry.
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18. What is the difference between the older
CycleForce Excel and the new 1999 Cycletrack Excel?
A. The
difference between both models is the design of the trainer
frame. The CycleForce is the newest model and has a stronger
and easier to use frame complimented by a modern folding
system. The computer and the resistance unit are the same on
both models.
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19. Why do I have to insert information on my
personal weight?
A. Your weight
has to be inserted into the computer to insure accurate
calculations for power output and consumption.
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20. I read that the Basic and Excel is only
available for 50Hz/220V. Can it also be used for 60 Hz as in
the USA and Canada?
A. Yes. Be
sure to specify what voltages/cycles your country uses when
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21. The resistance of my Basic/Excel remains
the same even when I am trying to change the power or Slope.
A. The unit is
not functioning properly. Please send the resistance unit to
Branford Bike for repair or warranty service.
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22. The display of my Basic/Excel computer
remains empty when I plug it in. Why?
A. Please
check to see if the cables have been connected properly. If
the display still remains empty the resistance unit must have
a problem and should be returned to Branford Bike for repair
or warranty service.
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23. My Basic computer indicates a very high
speed and the power is not correct either. What is wrong?
A. This could
happen when the plug is pulled from the electric outlet or
the electricity goes off when the unit still has speed. This
error can be solved by resetting the computer: Hold the SET
key for 5 seconds when you switch on the computer, then press
the MODE- key twice.
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24. I cannot print the information on my
printer. Do you have an explanation?
A. The Excel
only works with DOS compatible printers. Windows printers may
not work. Check your printer manual for DOS compatibility.
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25. The cadence(pedal RPMs) does not function
on my Basic/Excel. Why?
A. Check to
see if the cadence sensor is plugged far enough into the
unit. Then check to see if the magnet on the crank arm still
functions and is close enogh to the pickup sensor.
With the Excel you should pay attention to the following: the
heartbeat should be received by the computer and the speed
should be "0" before you start pedaling. As soon as
FALSE has disappeared the computer will work correctly.