Branford Bike Online Catalog - Archival Edition
brought to you by the former owner of Branford Bike, Tim Brockett via his personal web site, TimsLife.Com
This is an archival edition of the Branford Bike web site from February 2006. Complete with product photos, prices, how to articles and technical specifications it is a treasure trove of accurate, detailed and historical information.

In July of 2006 Branford Bike was incinerated by a huge forest fire. No one was hurt but the inventory and buildings were completely destroyed. I witnessed the fire and stayed until the trees were burning in my driveway. At that point I hiked from Branford Bike, through the smoke and embers, down the mountain to my Jeep 3 miles away. I took photos and wrote about the harrowing experience so everyone could see what I saw. My insurance was generous and I later rebuilt my home and started another business selling books. Read the story here.

Branford Bike was a huge part of my life for over 30 years; June 1976 to July 2006. I enjoyed those years tremendously and Branford Bike was often a labor of love. I hope you enjoy browsing through the archival catalog. If your visit brings back pleasant memories please share them with me via e-mail at .

If you find any printed Branford Bike catalogs, advertisments or flyers please scan them as a PDF and email. Or you may mail them via US Post to Tim Brockett, PO Box 1711, Emigrant, MT 59027. Eventually I will post them in a Memorabilia catalog section.

Many Thanks and Best Wishes,
Tim Brockett
Branford Bike - Started in June, 1976 Branford Bike
129 Sagittarius Skyway, PO Box 1711, Emigrant, MT 59027 USA
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or send us an email  with your questions or comments.
Phone Answering Hours M-W-F, 12 noon - 3 PM Mountain Time
Information: (203) 488-0482  FAX: (203) 643-8078
What's New in our Online Catalog!

We added Cateye Opticube lights to our Sports Lighting section. Check out the super bright, singel LED, EL-500 Power Opticube headlamp. It has a 60 hour burn time!

To improve the look, organization and readability of our online catalog we are gradually adding background images to all of our pages. Let us know what you think or email us an image that you would like to see us use.

We updated our Heart Rate Monitor section.   Includes 25 detailed pages with photographs of Polar, Cateye and Sigma Sport monitors, spare parts and accessories. Several pages were completely rewritten and now feature all the newest heart rate monitors.

We added a new Ergo Lever Section   to our existing Brakes section. Read all about Campagnolo's latest Ergo levers. When you get ready to rebuild your levers be sure to check out our detailed Ergo and Aero brake lever spare parts pages.

Chris King recently changed their pricing policy. They now require all dealers to consent in writing that Chris King products will be advertised at a price that Chris King believes riders should pay. The new, fixed retail price would be the same for all Chris King dealers and higher than what we currently charge. In a recent phone conversation a Chris King representative stated that if we did not sign the agreement they would no longer sell their products to us. They would also ban their distributors from selling to us. As a result we are discontinuing all Chris King products.
Read all about it here.

Shimano is bidding us adieu... Read all about it here.

We updated our Trainers section.   Includes 16 detailed pages with photographs of CycleOps, Tacx, Minoura, Elite, Cat Eye, Kreitler and SportCrafters trainers, rollers and accessories. We added a full selection of Kreitler rollers and spare parts. Minoura has all new trainers as well. Cat Eye Game bike allows you to play video games while training. CycleOps has a new mag trainer that offers progressive resistance.

We updated our Bar Tape and Trim section.   We added new colors of Cinelli Cork Ribbon, updated photos and edited the text.

We updated our Saddle section.   Includes 8 detailed pages with photographs of Brooks, San Marco, Selle Italia, spare parts and accessories. Every page was rewritten and now feature many new saddles.

We simplified and improved our Secure On-Line Ordering Form. Our new form checks for entry errors, allows you to review your choices and make corrections before sending us your order. Now you can use our Secure Order Form with the QBP catalog as well as our online catalog. Our Secure system emails you a detailed order confirmation within a few minutes of receiving your order.
First time users should find the detailed comments helpful and our Order Form easy to use. We added features so you can feel completely comfortable when ordering online from Branford Bike.

We updated all of the pages featuring new Campagnolo Wheels to our Factory Built Wheels Section.   Our wheels section now includes a full selection of new Campagnolo Carbon Composite and alloy, factory built, competition wheels and Discs.

We added the new Campagnolo Record Carbon and Record Triple cranks to our Bicycle Cranksets section.   We added beautiful photos and detailed information that we hope you find interesting and useful.

We added three new pages to our Bottom Brackets section.   Included is the Campagnolo Record Triple bottom bracket, Park Cutting and Facing tools plus two pages of technical tips.

We updated our Bicycle Storage and Transport Section.   Choose from several models of beautiful, handmade oak or aluminum alloy indoor racks. These racks will easily hold your bicycles, helmets, gloves, shoes, etc. Attachments are available to hold skis, snowboards, baseball bats and gloves, tennis racquets and much more!
We even added a new outdoor storage rack that holds six bicycles and ends yard or garage clutter.

We have added a new, 5 page section featuring the best in Park Repair Stands.   Includes a full selection of Park Professional and Home Mechanic repair stands, accessories and spare parts.

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Branford Bike Catalog
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Branford Bike Catalog
Main Table of Contents

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Cycle Clothing Wear, Care and Repair Section.
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Order Online via our Secure Order Form

and receive FREE expedited processing with email confirmations.

Our Secure Order Form is easy to use. Simply fill in the boxes as you would for a traditional paper catalog order form.

Our Secure Order Form opens in a separate window that you may resize and tile behind our online catalog. After filling in your name, address and card information you may leave the order window open. Browse through our catalog and when you wish to purchase an item simply "cut and paste" the part number and description to the appropriate order form boxes.

When you are done shopping, submit your order for error checking, and then for processing. We will email you a confirmation within 10 minutes. Another, more detailed confirmation, will follow when we ship your order.

We accept Visa, Discover and MasterCard for payment.
We will NOT charge your card until your order is shipped.

Branford Bike Online Catalog - Archival Edition
brought to you by the former owner of Branford Bike, Tim Brockett via his personal web site, TimsLife.Com
This is an archival edition of the Branford Bike web site from February 2006. Complete with product photos, prices, how to articles and technical specifications it is a treasure trove of accurate, detailed and historical information.

In July of 2006 Branford Bike was incinerated by a huge forest fire. No one was hurt but the inventory and buildings were completely destroyed. I witnessed the fire and stayed until the trees were burning in my driveway. At that point I hiked from Branford Bike, through the smoke and embers, down the mountain to my Jeep 3 miles away. I took photos and wrote about the harrowing experience so everyone could see what I saw. My insurance was generous and I later rebuilt my home and started another business selling books. Read the story here.

Branford Bike was a huge part of my life for over 30 years; June 1976 to July 2006. I enjoyed those years tremendously and Branford Bike was often a labor of love. I hope you enjoy browsing through the archival catalog. If your visit brings back pleasant memories please share them with me via e-mail at .

If you find any printed Branford Bike catalogs, advertisments or flyers please scan them as a PDF and email. Or you may mail them via US Post to Tim Brockett, PO Box 1711, Emigrant, MT 59027. Eventually I will post them in a Memorabilia catalog section.

Many Thanks and Best Wishes,
Tim Brockett
Go to our Secure Ordering Page

For more information, call: (203) 488-0482
Our phone hours are: Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 12 noon - 3 pm Mountain Time

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