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Policy Section: Page 1

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- Privacy Policy -

- Returns Policy - | - Defective Merchandise Policy -

Branford Bike Privacy Policy

BranfordBike.Com does not uses cookies to store any information.

External Site Links

BranfordBike.Com links to other web sites on the Internet. Content and Privacy Policies are the responsibility of their respective owners.

IP Addresses and Logging

The BranfordBike.Com server logs information about visitors, including IP addresses, date/time visited, referring web site, length of stay, etc. This information is used for site statistics only so we can improve less visited pages and add more content to well visited pages.

Customer Information & Credit Card Transactions

For security purposes we do not permanently store any customer or credit card information on the web. We do keep a secure record of customer sales information for at least 60 days so you may return an item and have your card credited.
Occasionally we will provide our mailing list to carefully screened organizations. You may choose to opt-out from our mailing list by simply sending us an e-mail request along with your full name and address.
We do not share your sales information with anyone unless required to by law or an order of the court.

Branford Bike Returns Policy
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

At Branford Bike we want you to be happy and satisfied with everything you purchase from us. We understand that sometimes you will need to return a product because it was not quite what you wanted. You may return anything you purchase from us within 60 days and unused, for an immediate exchange or refund. Videos and DVDs must be in their original shrink wrapped packages. Saddles may NOT be mounted on a seat post. Clothing should be in the original package with all tags intact.

Returning an item is easy at Branford Bike. No RA number is required and we do NOT charge restocking fees. Simply follow the instructions on the bottom of your paper invoice. We will process your return and credit your card within two business days. If you decide to exchange an item, in most cases we will pay for the shipping back to you. We will also e-mail you a receipt and mail a paper one for your records.

Branford Bike Defective Merchandise Policy
Manufacturer's Warranties

Most manufacturers include a warranty with their products and prefer to deal directly with customers for a warranty claim. They gain better insights on how their product is wearing and what the specific problems are. Manufacturers often use this valuable information to improve their products.
Please call us if you have a defective item that you have purchased from us. We will provide you with the manufacturer's contact information. We can also intervene on your behalf if you run into problems with your warranty claim.

E mail us with your comments.
We welcome your thoughts and ideas.

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